[thrive_headline_focus title=”A free community program for people of all ages with special needs” orientation=”center”]
We share the racing and team experience with anyone who wants to join, including people with special needs and diverse abilities or disabilities.
By putting Arizona’s athletes together in this way, our 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization is fostering relationships and building community networks that can make a big difference for people with disabilities.
If this sounds like something that resonates with you, we want you to become a part of our family.
Become part of the movement.
[thrive_headline_focus title=”Our Message:” orientation=”left”]
Yes You Can!
You can do it. We want to see you cross the finish line. You’ve got what it takes!
Whether you’re an athlete (with or without a disability), a volunteer, a fundraiser, a donor, or a sponsor…
You are racing for a new finish line everyday, pulling hard for inclusion. Can you make it count?
Yes You Can!
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[thrive_headline_focus title=”Include all people” orientation=”left”]
There are people everywhere who believe in community and equality that includes all people.
They show up in large numbers when our team rallies for a race, because they want to help. They contribute lovingly because they know the value of our operation.
Inclusion becomes possible when we have an understanding of all people; but it only happens when we actively include them.
[thrive_headline_focus title=”Make it real” orientation=”left”]
It takes action – passionate, loving action – to make real inclusion possible. That’s the reason for Team Hoyt Arizona.
Your victory is something we cherish, and we work as a team to help you realize it.
What is your goal?
- To compete in an event despite any form of disability?
- To help someone else experience the thrill of endurance sports?
- To be part of a spark for an ‘inclusion explosion’ in Arizona?
By working together we can do anything.
We are a team and we rely on you for our victory.
As your teammates, we’re ready to challenge you. It’s time to take action and make a difference.
[thrive_headline_focus title=”Take the challenge:” orientation=”left”]
[thrive_drop_caps color=’red’ style=’1′]1.[/thrive_drop_caps]
If you want to complete a race event with a team’s help (buddy running and/or wheelchair riding), let us help you do it.
[thrive_megabutton mt=”Join for free” st=”” color=”red” link=”http://teamhoytarizona.com/join” target=”_self” align=”aligncenter”]
[thrive_drop_caps color=’red’ style=’1′]2.[/thrive_drop_caps]
If you think you can help push our athletes and fundraise our team to victory, then we need your help!
[thrive_megabutton mt=”Volunteer” st=”” color=”red” link=”http://teamhoytarizona.com/join” target=”_self” align=”aligncenter”]
[thrive_drop_caps color=’red’ style=’1′]3.[/thrive_drop_caps]
If you value this kind of inclusion opportunity for Tucson and Arizona, then please take a moment to give or pledge to our nonprofit organization.
[thrive_megabutton mt=”Donate” st=”” color=”red” link=”http://teamhoytarizona.com/donate” target=”_self” align=”aligncenter”]
[thrive_drop_caps color=’red’ style=’1′]4.[/thrive_drop_caps]
If you know a business that would like to take a meaningful role in Arizona’s race for inclusion, please tell them about our nonprofit organization.
[thrive_headline_focus title=”Meet your new teammates!” orientation=”left”]
A lot of people would like to meet you. They’re your new teammates.
Everyone brings something a little different to the group and that’s what gives us strength, like a tribe.
Team Hoyt Arizona, and our inspiration Team Hoyt, are both part of a movement towards greater inclusion experience for people with special needs or diverse abilities. Across the planet organizations like ours are sprouting. Together we are creating a new world for people with disabilities and their families.
We want you to get involved!
[thrive_headline_focus title=”How it started…” orientation=”left”]
Team Hoyt Arizona takes its inspiration from the legendary father-son team of Dick and Rick Hoyt. Rick Hoyt was born in 1962 and diagnosed a spastic quadriplegic with cerebral palsy. Doctors advised his parents, Dick and Judy Hoyt, to institutionalize him because there was no chance of recovery and little hope for Rick to lead a normal life.
This began the parents’ journey to include Rick in the community, education, sports and the workplace.

When Rick was 15, he told his father that he wanted to join in a five-mile benefit run for a classmate that had been paralyzed in an accident. Though he’d never competed in running events, Dick Hoyt agreed to push Rick in the race in his wheelchair.
They finished second to last in the race, but Rick told his father that when he was running, it felt like his disability disappeared. And so Team Hoyt was born.
Since then, they have competed in hundreds of events together, including 31 Boston Marathons and six Ironman triathlons! The Hoyts’ example inspired other parents with children with disabilities to form their own teams and start competing in athletic events.
It honors us that Dick and Rick Hoyt granted us permission to use their name for our charity. We are only one of seven Team Hoyt organizations in the country.
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[thrive_headline_focus title=”Team Lucas” orientation=”left”]
Lucas King, the son of Steve and Denise King, was born in Tucson in 2007. Steve and Denise were very excited to bring Lucas into the world, and had made a lot of plans together for his future.

Life is not simple for Lucas, and he was born ten weeks early with the umbilical cord around his neck, injuring him. None of us can possibly imagine how that changed Steve’s and Denise’s lives unless we have been through it ourselves as parents.
At nine years old, Lucas is strong and his family is joyful. To hear them talk about it today inspires courage, happiness, and self-reflection. They have moved beyond Lucas’ disabilities to live an amazing life together with him.
Steve and Denise understood very early that Lucas deserves many experiences that are not available to him because companies and organizations don’t have accessible options for people with special needs. They usually needed to make extra effort to make sure people would include Lucas.
Lucas’ parents are both athletes, and Lucas loves participating in sports. Basketball, football, baseball, running, cycling – he loves it all! The rougher, the better!
Anytime Steve went running, he’d always take Lucas and push him in the stroller. Lucas loved it, and when they hit bumps he would crack up laughing hysterically. Having seen how much Lucas enjoyed running in his stroller, Denise and Steve became very involved in the wheelchair athletics community.
Steve and Denise had an inspiring story with a powerful message. “Why can’t Lucas take part in this activity?” They became nonprofit activists and devoted enormous energy to public charity activism focused on inclusion.
By rallying more and more volunteers behind the cause of inclusion, Steve and Denise were inspiring people to action. It was time to get organized!
[thrive_headline_focus title=”Founding Team Hoyt Arizona” orientation=”left”]
A new nonprofit organization with its own all-inclusive message was emerging. The Kings were friends with their heroes Rick and Dick Hoyt, and when they spoke about their organization with them Mr. Hoyt offered them the use of their name. This was a true honor for our organization because of what he and Rick had started.
Steve and Denise put together a Board of Directors and in March, 2016 founded Team Hoyt Arizona. In April the IRS determined our 501 (c) (3) nonprofit to be a qualified public charity and granted us tax exempt status.
We’ve already participated in races in Arizona and Massachusetts, and our calendar has a full race season planned!
[thrive_headline_focus title=”Team Member Highlights” orientation=”left”]
Read highlights about our team members. Read about our volunteer roles and opportunities. Learn about how our donors, sponsors, and fundraisers make our team possible. (Coming soon!)
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[thrive_custom_box title=”‘Donate today.'” style=”dark” type=”color” color=”#ffffff” border=”#000000″]
Tucson needs organizations that include people with disabilities in activities and create public awareness.
Our organization has high costs of operation, but we’ve succeeded to launch our program thanks to the generosity of our community.
Your contribution makes a real difference.
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You can either make a monthly pledge, or a one-time donation.
[thrive_link color=’red’ link=’https://www.patreon.com/teamhoytarizona’ target=’_blank’ size=’medium’ align=’aligncenter’]Monthly pledge[/thrive_link]
[thrive_link color=’red’ link=’https://www.gofundme.com/2gm9bzd8′ target=’_blank’ size=’medium’ align=’aligncenter’]Donate[/thrive_link]
[thrive_headline_focus title=”Our highest costs include…” orientation=”left”]
A nonprofit racing team like ours requires multiple types of insurance. Our current insurance costs are about $108 per month.
Race entry fees
We pay for our assisted athletes’ race entry fees (unless they are donated by race organizers). We also pay for their immediate family members to race as assistant athletes. It is important for us to make the racing experience free for them. These costs are usually $300+ for each event.
Racing chairs
We help our assisted athletes employ a fundraising campaign to save up for their own racing chair. Meanwhile, we maintain several racing chairs for those who have not yet gotten one. The cost for these chairs is $3,000 to $5,000 each. They also require costly regular maintenance for safety.
Website hosting & systems
Our hosting is currently being donated to us but soon we’ll require high quality website hosting for this site (about $300 per year). We also use a mailing list automation service to manage team emails (another $228 per year).
Next we’re fundraising for event registration software. These systems range in price and effectiveness ($49+ per month, or $1+ per event registrant).
Promotional materials
We need to spread the message of inclusion all around Arizona and beyond, and to do this we need to purchase promotional materials ($500+ per year). This includes signs, printed materials, vehicle wraps, custom wheelchair wheel covers, and other promotional items.
Team apparel
We will try to sell as much of our team apparel as possible at the team store, but we want to give away a lot of Team Hoyt Arizona t-shirts ($300+ per year).
Team van
Our team needs a vehicle for transportation of our racing gear. We’re currently seeking a sponsorship for this because it will cost thousands of dollars.
[thrive_headline_focus title=”We have responsible leadership.” orientation=”left”]
Our Board of Directors work together to manage our scheduling, finances, and operations. They are all unpaid volunteers and they weigh organizational decisions carefully.
[thrive_headline_focus title=”We’re a qualified public charity.” orientation=”left”]
Team Hoyt Arizona is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization with tax exempt status. This means that donors can deduct contributions they make to Team Hoyt Arizona under IRC Section 170.
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Click below to make a monthly pledge, or a one-time donation.
[thrive_link color=’red’ link=’https://www.patreon.com/teamhoytarizona’ target=’_blank’ size=’medium’ align=’aligncenter’]Monthly pledge[/thrive_link]
[thrive_link color=’red’ link=’https://www.gofundme.com/2gm9bzd8′ target=’_blank’ size=’medium’ align=’aligncenter’]Donate[/thrive_link]
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[thrive_headline_focus title=”Become a part of the movement.” orientation=”left”]
There are a lot of ways you can make a difference in this team. We encourage teammates to try different roles out. Here are our team positions. Click on your favorite team position to find out more! (Coming soon!)
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[thrive_headline_focus title=”Team positions” orientation=”left”]
Assisted athletes
At the core of our team, we have our assisted athletes. This is anyone who wants to join a real race – in a racing wheelchair, or by walking/running with a buddy team, or both!
When people see the smiles on the faces of these athletes racing by, they become convinced and thrilled by the value of our organization.
Assistant athletes
Next, we have our assistant athletes. They work with heart and passion together to get their assisted athlete across the finish line. They have given up the race for personal glory and want to put all their effort into helping their friend.
Unless they are in an assisted athlete’s immediate family, these volunteers have a minimum fundraising requirement in order to enter each event. We do not require any level of physical fitness for this job, and we’ll try to team you up with a similar group of athletes to help with pace-setting.
The guideline for each team is to finish together, and finish strong! Our teams hold back when an assistant athlete is having trouble with the workout.
Donors & sponsors
We rely on our donors and sponsors as core teammates. Thanks to the generosity of our community, we are beginning to cover some of our costs. We are a qualified public charity, and donors can deduct contributions they make to our organization under IRC Section 170.
Our supporters choose whether they prefer to make a one-time donation when the time is right, or to sign up for an automatic monthly pledge. Either is a fantastic and quick way to make a big difference for our organization.
Businesses provide us with sponsorships because we are aligned with their core values.
To make this racing experience happen, we need volunteers. It takes a lot of people contributing their time and skills to make our organization run. We need race day volunteers, non-race day volunteers, and long-term administrative volunteers.
[thrive_headline_focus title=”Join us and be part of this experience!” orientation=”left”]
Here is our upcoming race schedule:
Jim Click Rock & Roll (10/2 – Tucson)
Get Moving Tucson (10/30 – Tucson)
Turkey Trot (11/24 – Tucson)
Hot Chocolate 5K & 15K (12/4 – Scottsdale)
Carlsbad ½ marathon & marathon (1/15 – Carlsbad, CA)
UCP 5K & 10K (2/5 – Tempe)
AZ Distance Classic (3/26 – Tucson)
Pat Tillman Run (date unknown – Phoenix)
Holland 5K (Holland, MA)
Meet me Downtown 5K (5/27 – Tucson)
Read more about our upcoming events. (Coming soon!)
[thrive_headline_focus title=”It’s time we heard YOUR voice. ” orientation=”left”]
Please contact us today. We want to hear from you!
Here are two ways to reach our Board of Directors:
- Call us at (520) 293-9280. [thrive_custom_phone phone_text=”Call now!” mobile_phone_text=”Call now!” phone_no=”(520) 293-9280″ color=”red”]
- Email us at support@teamhoytarizona.com.
[thrive_headline_focus title=”We will respond right away.” orientation=”left”]
[thrive_drop_caps color=’red’ style=’2′][/thrive_drop_caps][thrive_headline_focus title=”These companies value our message 100%” orientation=”left”]
Read about our sponsors, their stories, and why they value inclusion. (Coming soon!)
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